Hey Lolly Music

Teach with music and puppets

We teach students songs. We perform original puppet shows with different themes such as going to the library, colors and the color wheel and taking care of the environment. We can bring in a band to perform for the students. We have a three piece band or a seven piece brass band.


Student get to learn songs. They learn about rhythm, melody, chorus. They get to see and hear different instruments. They get to watch highly interactive puppet shows!

We have songs for pre-k and kinder age and we have songs that appeal to all ages.

Our goal is to get everyone participating with the music. 

Iris Saves the Land of Black and White - Colors have been banned from the land by a king who had a horrible coloring accident. It's up to Iris and the kids to sing the colors back.

Armadillo Alice - Based on Alice in Wonderland, this story takes us not to wonderland but the library. Alice turns into an armadillo and chases not the white rabbit but Jack Rabbit through many strange tales.

The Green Show - Laura Freeman sings about taking care of our environment. We explore renewable energy, turn into trees, pick up trash and give lots of love to Mother Earth.

For more details visit: http://heylollymusic.com/

912 Cherico Street
Austin, TX
Telephone: (512) 567-3626
Email: heylollymusic@gmail.com